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Chiron's Last Student - by Rown
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Chiron's Last Student - by Rown

Quote, by Chiron's Last Student - by Rown:

Staring up at the night sky Len passed thoughts of why he had come here through his mind. It wasn't just the artifacts that were hidden beneath the ground that drove his initiative, it was also the escape into the past that gave him the impetus to forge on into the ground deeper until the past is brought back to life. The present wasn't much to Len's liking anyway. Perhaps there is some way there, under the earth that will send him back to a better time. A time when you knew where you stood with the world.

Then there was the pit. What was it? Where did it lead? Was it a portal to a past world or a death pit, waiting for it's next victim? Nothing was worse than not knowing. He had to find out and waiting till morning wouldn't do. He had to know now. Reaching for a flashlight and a pack with ropes attached Len set out for the pit. The full moon lit the path well, he needed no extra light to find it but inside he might need the flashlight to see. The desert path was well defined thankfully and everyone else was asleep. There was nothing to impede him from doing what the others would consider crazy.

He tied a rope to a nearby transport and took a deep breath before descending into the pit. Stones fell downwards from the side as he disturbed them making chattering noises as they fell downwards into a seemingly bottomless pit below. His grip slipped and he fell several feet before hitting bottom. His head bouncing off the cave floor stopping his descent. His head ached where it hit but he was safe at least. He stood up on a soft moist floor. Turning the light on it he noticed that it was almost like a topsoil, black and smelling of fertility but how could that be when he was right smack dab in the middle of a desert?

Off to his right was a passageway. The ground was undisturbed and sunk under his feet as he walked into the way, flashlight sending Rorschach's skittering back and forth across the passageway's walls. He walked farther in. Although he only traveled several hundred feet it seemed like miles then he came to a fork in the tunnels. The right way seemed more open than the left but for some unknown reason the left seemed to have some light in it. Not bright or even enough to see well by but noticeably less dark than the right. Perhaps there was something or someone there. Maybe another way in and a good way to get out should things go badly. Len chose the left tunnel.

As he proceeded farther in the light seemed to get brighter. The ground was solid here as well. He could feel the stones under his shoes as he walked. The crackling of something unknown beneath his shoes stopped his motion. Turning the night down he saw branches and leaves. Puzzling, but so far everything about this cave has been that way he thought. The ceiling seemed very high and there were no stalactites to be seen either.

The tunnel opened up about one hundred feet ahead of him and the light was real bright there. Len moved cautiously into it not knowing what he would expect. Of course the alternative was to go back. That really wasn't too much of an option considering the climb he would have out and without anything to show for it as well. "Might as well see what's in this room" was his only thought.

I small fire burned brightly in the center of the room. No one seemed to be there and there was no food nearby but the idea of a fire down this far under ground unattended boggled Len's already confused mind. He settled near the fire looking in all directions first to make sure he was indeed alone. He saw nothing at first but in a corner was what looked for all the world like a huge fur lump. After warming his hands Len looked around the opening again. The lump hadn't moved nor did anything else. Len thought for a moment that an investigation of this mysterious lump might be a good idea. There could be something hidden beneath it. Of course there could be nothing at all there except for snakes or scorpions too. Perhaps a better idea would be to investigate the tunnels farther then return and see if anyone comes back. After all someone had to start this fire.

Len stood to leave. A last look at the lump and he turned towards the other end of the room where the tunnel lead elsewhere. He made three paces when he heard behind him "Leaving so soon?" The words were deep in tone and heavy with accent. An ancient accent as well as though it came from some relic left behind from ages past. Len turned and looked behind him. There where the furry lump was stood what appeared to be a rather large man. He had no clothing on above what appeared to be his waist although most of him was hidden in shadow.

I'm sorry to have awakened you sir. I wasn't aware that these caverns were inhabited. I'll leave them and you alone.

The man replied, Please sit next to my fire and warm yourself. I could use the company. I get so few through here.

Len stepped closer but as his vision focused on the man he saw more than he could believe. There where the furry lump was lay a Centaur. His face weathered from age, the beard and mustache silver and wise looking. His hair matted and gray. His equine half course and dark. A long black tail trailing out from his powerful haunches. Large heavy built hooves set at the ends of thick weathered legs.

Len stammered to say something but couldn't form the words. This was more than he had ever dreamed. Maybe that fall caused him more than just a bump on the head. Here before his very eyes was a living myth. Large and bold as real life it lay there, unruffled by this new intruder into its world. In fact he seemed very pleased to have company for a creature that isn't supposed to be alive and one that wasn't supposed to be very fond of human company either.

It lay there watching Len, contemplating his moves, waiting for his first words. He eyed Lens clothing, paid particular attention to his flashlight. Len noticed him looking at it. He held it out to the Centaur slowly for him to look it over. The Centaur wasn't very alarmed by the new fangled device though, instead of alarm he displayed curiosity. He looked it over then finally reached out and took it from Len's hand. He played with the switch turning the light off and on and then shining it in Len's face. He shone it in his own face and then covered his eyes and dropped the flashlight to the ground.

You bring fire in a tube stranger. How was this done? It has no heat until you look directly at it then it burns your eyes. This is a curios device, have you any others?

Len shook his head then realized that this legendary creature could speak his language. This was most interesting. In an apologetic tone Len asked the Centaur how it was that he could speak English.

Many years have passed beneath my hooves, many humans before my eyes. You are not the first of your kind that these eyes have seen. I have watched as your people passed by. They never notice what they believe isn't real so they never see me. As with every one of your kind, they are never happy with themselves or their lot. I can see that you are also afflicted with this same malady. Why is your kind so dissatisfied?

Len shuffled his foot back and forth as he looked down at the ground beneath him. The Centaur was right. He could read him like a book. He said that many years have passed beneath his hooves. How many? From his looks he had to be at least 60 years old by human standards. There was no doubt that he was wise with age but how could he even have survived in this day and age without being seen?

I don't know why. Len muttered. He then looked the Centaur right in the eyes, watching the flames from the fire dance inside his dark retinas. How is it that you can be here now? I mean, your aren't supposed to exist.

I live because I don't look for what I cannot have. The old Centaur replied with a twinkle in his eyes. If I do not look to be discovered I won't be. You on the other hand seem to find yourself lost in other's worlds.

Len smirked at the old Centaurs words. He knew he was right again. This sage old myth was even more discerning than most humans. I found you didn't I? Len piped smartly at the Centaur.

Was it you that found me or I that found you? The Centaur shot back. Seems to me that you are the one lost. I know where I am.

Len had met his match and he knew it. He sat down opposite the old Centaur laying the flashlight next to him. As the flames warmed his face he than found the nerve to ask the Centaur...

How old are you?

I am as old as these caves, the Centaur replied enigmatically. As old as the breath that passes through them. I have seen many wars from here. From my time unto yours. I have seen the destructiveness of your modern machines as they tear down mountains and wept beside clean fresh streams as my comrades fell to the arrows of our enemies.

I am in my last days but by your timetable I am 2540 years old.

Len was dumbfounded. What he said couldn't be true nothing lives that long especially something that aren't supposed to exist at all.

Who are you? Len asked.

The old Centaur then placed his forelegs underneath himself and with a groan lifted his body upwards. His hind legs stumbled a bit to get under him but once there they were as steady as steel beams. Slowly he walked over to the tunnel opposite the one Len walked in through.

Walk with me human, The old Centaur commanded.

Len felt he had to follow. He picked himself up and followed the old Centaur into tunnel. The Centaurs hooves made a clippy clop sound that echoed through the cave as they made their way through. They ventured several hundred yards when another room opened up along the tunnel. The Centaur lit a torch illuminating the room from one end to another. Len was surprised at the shear size of this creature now that he was right up next to him. If the cavern roof wasn't as high as it was he would be bent over just to make it through.

Around the walls of the room were shields, swords and priceless artifacts from ages ago. Some dating back to early Grecian times. Bronze, silver, iron and gold helmets bucklers and gauntlets lay everywhere. Pottery tiles and stone carvings from every empire that touched Greece. A veritable treasure trove lay in the room. Lens eyes lit up!

The Centaur turned to look at Len who was completely entranced by what he saw. Like my little museum? The Centaur mused.

Len nodded absentmindedly.

I collected them all in the dead of night, after the wars were concluded and the dead still littered the fields. When all the armies left I found the tiles and pottery still intact so I took them too. Treasures they are but worthless to one as I. I have no need for them. Here they sit awaiting my death or for some lucky hunter to find and kill me to possess them.

He then turned around to face Len. Are you the hunter I speak of?

Len looked shamefully downwards then shook his head. No, he replied. They would make me wealthy beyond even my wildest dreams but it isn't riches I want anymore. I don't know what I want anymore to tell you the truth. I don't even know if I'm really awake right now and seeing what I see. This is all too unbelievable.

The Centaur nodded. I can understand you somewhat. Perhaps you can believe in me as well. Would it help if you touched me? The Centaur moved closer to Len. With a shaky hand Len reached out and touched the side of the Centaur. He ran his hand across the course hair on its equine body. His tail swung from side to side sending short cool breezes across Lens face.

I suppose you're real enough, Len confessed. But you haven't told me your name.

I was known as the "wise Centaur" and the "healer". Many of the old heroes came to me to learn. I taught them all well. It is sad that my best was the one who killed my kind. It wasn't as though they had to all be killed but once he started he couldn't stop. He even thought he killed me but I swooned after the arrow hit my leg. I knew how to stop the poison from slowly making my life painful. I could not die since I was granted immortality but the poison would have slowly made me mad from the pain. Instead I now slowly die. My life spread out over the ages until I finally die of old age. You see, although I was immortal The poison changed that. My antidote could only hold off the inevitable. Instead of a quick miserable death I had a long painless one, until now. The old Centaur then knelt on one knee and bowed. My name is Chiron.

Len was shocked. Even he knew of the legend of Chiron. He fumbled his next words but managed to let them escape. Bu, But Chiron was killed by Hercules' arrow!

That's what I allowed them to believe Chiron replied with a smile. I'm glad to know that I had managed to cast the proper impression to all back then.

You were said to have given your immortality to....

He was already immortal my dear friend, Chiron interrupted. What would he do with mine as well? Besides, you can't just give away immortality like that. That was all just part of the illusion I created. Human's back then fell for any story that would cast a romantic aura. Besides, had I not made that up that idiot Ovid would have.

Why make everyone believe you were dying? Len inquired.

I had a daughter, did you know that? She was beautiful. I would sing to her when the sun rose in the morning and in the evening I would tell her tales of heroes and great deeds. Chiron looked towards the ground then. A father looks forward to the time when he would have grand children. That time never came for me. I would have given up all these years for that one thing but the others had already vanished. There were no suitors for her. Hercules spared her life for my sake but she was left without a mate to care for her. She died of a broken heart years later. Plato, Ovid and even Homer never told anyone about that.

For the first time in years Len was touched to the heart over Chiron's story. He knew the cruelty of the gods and he had also read about the Centaurmocy. It was standard reading curriculum in his school. No where was there any word about Chiron's daughter of her fate.

I'm very sorry Chiron. I hadn't known that. No one knew that at all. It wasn't written about in any myth.. I mean any literature.

It's ok. Chiron interrupted. I'm aware that your kind considers me a myth. Your kind doesn't want to admit that my kind ever existed. You consider us monsters, freaks of nature, unnatural. It's ok, I do understand though. Still, I do miss her.

Len reached over and laid his hand on Chiron's withers. Please except my sympathies Chiron.

The old Centaur politely thanked Len for his sentiment.

Now to tend to your needs my friend. You came here looking for something. I offered you all the riches here and you've declined them. What could you possibly find beneath the earth that could make you happy?

I'm not sure what I want anymore, Len spoke. I suppose I was looking for some way into a different life. An escape from my reality.

I sensed a restlessness in you from the time I noticed you enter my room. The kind that comes from within. There is nothing here that can calm that restlessness my friend. Only you can do that yourself but remember, when you enter that different world you'll still be bringing you along. Maybe you should find a way to settle your inner turbulence and then look for that world. It might be easier to locate then.

Len nodded. He had settled quite a bit inside just realizing that this old Centaur, this myth Chiron was real. Not only that, he was taking the time to chat with him! Chiron saw this in him and smiled.

The old Centaur reached over and removed an old box from its place in the corner. Opening it he removed a cloth wrapped into a bag that contained a powder. He carefully measured the powder into a clay flask and handed it to Len and then told him, When you settle inside completely, take the powder and mix it with water and drink. I think you'll like what happens afterwards but not right now. First lets see what kind of a student you are first.

Len was shocked. Here was the teacher Chiron, renown for instructing all the great hero's of legend now offering to teach him! This is truly a once ever opportunity that can't be turned down. But what was the powder he handed him? Perhaps with time he will tell me. For now, I'm taking this chance and accepting his tutorship.

Chiron motioned to Len to follow him farther into the caverns. The torch illuminated the walls as well as the great creature that held it. His heavy steps sent echoes through the entire cave as they made their way through. Once again the cave opened up into yet another room but this one had passages spidering off in all directions.

Here will be our study area, Chiron instructed. In there is the sleeping area, then he motioning to one of the passages to the right. In there is a room full of books covering just about every subject ever written. He motioned to another passage to the right. You are free to access them when you need. Now over here is the weapons room. Motioning to a large passage he then instructed. What is in there should never be used if you learn what I teach you well. Now over here is an exit to the outside world. You will have no need to use it unless you decide to leave here for good. I hope you don't decide to until your training is over.

Now over in here is where we will begin your training. Chiron pointed to a well-lit passage. If you feel ready we can begin now. Len moved towards the aged Centaur and nodded then with Chiron in the lead they entered the passage and into a large circular room with a very large cushion on one end big enough for a Centaur to lay on and in front of it was a desk that was for all intents and purposes, an old grade-school desk. Len motioned to it passively then remarked. I guess this is for me.

Chiron smirked and then instructed him to sit and get comfortable. Once you have displayed that you are learning then we will get you better seating arrangements. For now though you will need the desktop and the pencils I have set atop the desk. We will begin with ancient history and the creation of the world. Len's mouth fell open.

Time passed and to Len it seemed like years as Chiron led him through a history lesson that he had never heard before. Once every now and then Len would object to something Chiron said but he was soundly put in his place with proof of what really happened in that instance. The other rooms held artifacts that have never seen the halls of any museum and plenty of them were ancient stone tablets telling of great empires that rose and fell. Some held words of great men that were never released into print because conquering nations refused to let the truth be known unless it benefits them.

When Len's questions became more a search for truth he was given a better chair. By this time they had reached the second age of man and the advancement of civilization from stone age to iron age. Len thought he knew plenty from here but was startled to find that much of what he though he knew, once again was only a half-truth. He asked Chiron where Centaur really came from. Of course Chiron couldn't let a good jest pass him by so he replied, "Mother Centaurs"! He then explained that those that men called "gods" were more attuned to modern day called "scientists". They came from a time when the earth was very young. Their life spans were great and they used them to unlock the secrets of the universe. They were capable of great feats of magic and through this they would punish or reward those humans that would worship them. One day the king of these "gods" decided to reward one of his greatest human believers for his valor. In battle he had saved many of his fallen comrades and then in a moment of great heroism he mounted his beloved steed and charged the battlements in the name of his god and won the day. He and his horse were wounded though. A spear from their enemy had passed through the horses neck and then into his body paralyzing him from the waist down. He wept at the loss of his mount since it was his decision to charge and not the horses but his steed held such esteem for him that he would follow him anywhere.

The king of the gods looked down upon this fallen man and his horse and knowing his devotion for the king he raised them both as one being. All the nobility of man and the power and grace of the horse wrapped into one. He gave him honor for his heroics and immortality for his devotion.

Len then noticed Chiron staring off into as he recited the tale. A tear falling from his eye as he spoke of the devotion this soldier had for his god and king. Admiration beamed from Chiron's face as well. If he wasn't the Centaur that he himself spoke of then he had to have known him well. Perhaps he learned from him.

Chiron then continued. After a time the king of the gods saw that his creation was lonely so he took the fairest of the maidens from a nearby town. One who also had her own horse, and made a wife for him. They had children and soon their children had children. None of them were immortal though save the soldier himself. They did live for about 200-300 years though and did great deeds that man refused to write about. After a time a certain race began to hold great animosity for the soldiers children and tried to destroy them. They couldn't because at that time the soldier's children had many friends amongst the humans so they conspired to ruin the friendship between humans and Centaurs.

Through trickery and deceit they succeeded and to outside of a few humans, Centaurs became freaks and monsters. Since we held no need for the written word we never wrote our history down. Man was the only one who felt that it was important. We were becoming outcasts in the world. The Greeks were one of the few peoples that welcomed us until they two were tricked into believing the lie and they too turned on us save for a few humans there. Hercules was one of them who still believed in us until the Lapiths treachery brought about that war.

Are you the soldier that you spoke of? Len asked. Chiron turned away and through a broken breath replied, "yes". I never thought that it would have all ended the way it did. Everything I had dreamed of fell to dust and now it may disappear forever. Even the gods couldn't repair what the Hydra's poison has done to me. I only could give myself a temporary immortality after being hit by Hercules arrow. He didn't mean to do it and I did forgive him for his mistake but now I wished I had died then before I saw all my children killed by him.

Len mentally kicked himself for bringing about this painful retrospective. The sight of this noble creature of legend brought low by memories of a distant past humbled him before his tutor. My apology teacher, Len spoke in a reserved tone. I had no idea of what happened then. I'm sorry for bringing back all these memories for you.

Chiron nodded in understanding. It's ok my student, I've had these for centuries. It's been a long time though since I've told anyone about them. I actually feel relieved that I have gotten to tell you. Now let us continue with our lessons.

Len learned the "Art of War" as taught to Sun Tsu by Chiron He was also taught when to use such knowledge and when not to. All manners of arts were brought before Len to consider and then the present history was taught. In all it seemed as though Len had spent over a decade in Chiron's presence. When the time came for him to go, Len and Chiron exited the caverns together. Chiron pointed out the nearby city and told Len that he should spend some time there before making his decision to drink the powder.

What is this powder anyway? Len asked.

It' is a way for me to continue my legacy. You must understand Len. I will not live much longer. My time is just about up and you have been my last student. You have also been my best student as well. I knew when I first saw you that you would be the one to continue my legacy, to continue my line. You see, while all these generations have passed beneath my hooves, I have also learned the art of transformation. It is the only way for me to carry on what I have learned all these centuries and the only way to carry on the legacy of the Centaur. When you are ready, all you must do is mix the powder with some pure water and drink. The following transformation is somewhat painless but you will become as I. The very same way that the King of the gods transformed me. You will need no horse though and you will become a direct descendant of mine.

With their good-bye's said, Len set off for the city below. His thoughts rested on what Chiron had said and the impending death of his mentor and friend. When he finally made it to the city he was amazed that he had only been gone for a month! It was as though Chiron had also found a way to stop time so that he could teach his last student. Last student. It seemed so final to him. All the time he spent with him learning he had grown very close to him. But from what he read before actually meeting him, Len knew that Chiron had one of those personalities that were infectious. His personable style, his calm demeanor, his obvious caring for everyone he teaches, endeared himself upon Len.

Two years passed while Len resided in the city. He had gotten a job using Chiron's lessons to help him along. Not a day passed that he didn't think of his mentor up in that cave all alone. He knew that before he could go back he had to come to a decision as to weather to drink or not. He knew Chiron was counting on him but he had not had enough of the world. At least he thought so. He had even found a girl and was dating her steadily. All the wisdom Chiron had taught him was put to good use. He was happy in his life but still ponderous under of his mentor's state of being. Finally he had to find out for himself.

Scaling the mountain he found the entrance to the cavern and followed the familiar passage back through the labyrinth to where he had spent that month. He made his way back into the central room with all the other passages spidering off. He heard a groaning coming from one of the rooms off of the main room. Len made his way to the room and there in the corner lay Chiron half curled up. Len walked over to his friend and laid his hand upon his shoulder.

So you've come back my student, Chiron spoke. His voice weak and near silent to Len's ear.

Yes my friend, Len replied. Can I do anything for you at all?

Chiron raised his head and looked through glossy eyes towards Len. Let me look upon you one last time before I join my children beyond.

Len placed himself in front of Chiron so that he could relax and see him. The old Centaur held his hand out and then touched Lens face. There, I knew you'd come back my son. I saw it in my mind. I couldn't see it any other way.

Len calmed the old Centaur with his hand, running it across his shoulder and then propping up his weary head in his hand as he looked into his eyes. He was so full of vitality two years ago but now he was so frail, so vulnerable.

Please my friend, let me help you some how. Len pleaded.

Chiron shook his head and sighed. There's nothing you can do to help me but to let me die. I'll be ok, death is nothing but a doorway to another realm. A better world awaits me on the other side where my children already are. I know it. I can feel it and I can hear them calling me. I need to know my son, will you drink?

Len pondered his question for a moment, then to make Chiron feel at ease he nodded with a smile.

Ah! Good. Chiron spoke cheerfully. I knew you would. That's why I chose you. I could tell that you would want such a life. Now I can rest peacefully.

Just then a noise came from behind the two friends. Len turned and looked into the face of his girlfriend. He was too much in shock to say anything outside of her name. Chiron lifted his head and looked at the young and beautiful girl who had invaded his home unannounced.

Is she yours my son? Chiron asked.

Len looked at Chiron and nodded. I'm sorry my friend. I had no idea she had followed me. Here. I'll take her back outside.

No! It's ok. She can stay with you. Chiron instructed. You'll need company.

Shana, Lens girlfriend, then stepped closer to Len and the old Centaur who was his friend. He. He's a Centaur! She exclaimed.

Len just nodded as his friends breathing slowed a bit. He's my mentor, and my friend.

Shana came closer to the old Centaur. Close enough to touch him, which was her intent anyway. Her curiosity was that great. She had no fear for some reason but then Chiron does have that effect on others.

His name is Chiron. Len explained. He has been my friend for.... For a long, long time. He looked at his dying friend, holding his head in his arm.

Come closer my child, Chiron beckoned the girl. Yes, yes you may touch me.

Shana reached out and touched Chiron's side. She ran her hand down his equine side then touched his face. You, you're real!

Of course I'm real, Chiron replied with a half grin. It was all he could muster, his life slowly leaving him. Stay with my son here Shana. I saw it in the stars after all. You were meant to be with him.

Shana smiled at Chiron's words. She had never had a mate for longer than a year and these words were pleasing to her ears. She nodded and then kissed Chiron's cheek. The old Centaur beamed from the affection and then laid his head back down in Len's arm.

My son, I have to leave you now. Don't forget the powder. There's enough for two. Carry on my line. You are my fav...or..ite His word faded off into a dying breath.

Len wept for his friend and mentor. Shana wept also. They both placed pillows under his head and made his body as comfortable as they could before trying to figure out how to bury him. Len left the room and went to the library to think for a while. His time in the world wasn't long he only being 25 years old but he had enough of it all. He looked at all the books around him and empty lounger that was in one of the corners where Chiron liked to lay when he read. He then took the bag of powder and look at it. Then into it as though it was alive. The colors danced and moved within it or so it seemed. Perhaps it was just his imagination perhaps not.

He went to the well where they drew water when he stayed with Chiron and drew a cup. Shana walked in behind him and placed her hand on his shoulder. He placed the bag of powder on a table and then the cup also. Do you know what this powder does? He asked Shana. She shook her head.

This has the power to transform us into Centaurs like Chiron. He wanted me to carry on his line, his kind. I have tried for two years not to think about it but it's always been there in front of me. If you drank from this cup you would also become a Centaur and my mate. We would never be able to go back to the world we knew ever again though.

Shana hushed her mate with her finger then took the powder and placed it into the cup. She took a spoon and stirred the mixture thoroughly. She then took another cup and poured half the solution into it and handed it to Len and with no further thought, they drank.

The Administrator hath spoken
Edited by Administrator, at

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