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The Centaur State of Mind - by Argon
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The Centaur State of Mind - by Argon

The Centaur State of Mind

Folks have asked what a Centaur really is? What makes a person a Centaur? It seems that there is more to being a Centaur than just the joining of human and equine attributes. It is a way of thinking, a type of personality and tolerance for others. What I have named, 'The Centaur State of Mind'.

Being a Centaur is as much a state of mind as a physical form. Look at what we as Centaurs have in common. We are open minded, tolerant, eager to learn new things and meet new people. The most impossible and outrageous ideas and situations are accepted without a second thought. We enjoy one another's company but are generally solitary when it comes to others. Most of us are single, and as humans, had dull lives for the most part. Although we now have the form of Centaurs, what makes us such is 'us', what's inside. Those who think as we do, who have the patience, and compassion we who have attained the Centaur form have, those who still are human, but share the mental and personality attributes of the 'Centaur State of Mind' are Centaurs, in mind if not in form.

We all have a special love and respect for the Centaur, and it's form. We have all as humans imagined ourselves in this form, we wanted to be what we are today. As Centaurs, none of us have really changed, we are the same 'people' inside as we were before we transformed. And we share attributes of those who have been Centaurs from birth.

My point is this, it isn't our forms that make us Centaurs, it's what we are inside, and the kinds of people we were and are that have made us Centaurs.

Of course, there are those who have a Centaur form, or claim they do, yet don't share these Centaur attributes, the 'Centaur Posers'. True, they may look like Centaurs, but upon closer examination, you can see that they do not posses the smooth blending of the two forms, the melding of the human and Centaur minds. They are indecisive, nervous, they are unsure of themselves and are suspicious of the intentions of others. They are unlike any real Centaur you will meet. These 'Centaur Posers' are the ones who make all Centaurs look bad. They have the form, but not the mindset, and only the mindset makes you a Centaur, the form is secondary.

Being a Centaur is a physical form, but most importantly, it is a state of mind. Something that we all have, and share with one another. Those who already are Centaurs inside, can easily become Centaurs outside. It's a change within that makes it happen, not some DNA experiments, or magic, or alien transdimentional experiments. Those are just excuses for making the physical change. And only those who have this 'Centaur State of Mind' are truly Centaurs. The physical form is a side effect of being a Centaur. The transformation into the Centaur form, is a secondary result of having the Centaur mindset. A sign of completion, if you will, of a union of ideas and thought processes that manifest themselves as the Centaur form.

If you have to ask how to become a Centaur, if you haven't any idea as to how to make the change yourself, or if you look like a Centaur but don't have the 'Centaur State of Mind', then you will never be a true Centaur. Those humans who have the 'Centaur State of Mind' but not the form, are Centaurs, and will soon achieve the Centaur form. Those of us who have both, 'The Centaur State of Mind' and the Centaur form, are of course the luckiest. And for this I am thankful.
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